Shipping & Delivery

Processing Time
When orders are received, packing & last-mile delivery will be processed as soon as possible to ensure that you can receive the product(s) within 7-10 working days. The delivery time of individual items depends on your selected delivery destination. Although we do not guarantee that the delivery time will not be delayed, we will try our best to handle and order your shipment as soon as possible.
Shipping Fee
Shipping Fees vary depending on the order amount, order quantity, and destination country and region. You can check the exact shipping cost when ordering and paying.
Shipping Company
We deliver the ordered product through a shipping company contracted with the post office EMS. It usually takes 7-10 business days from order to delivery and arrival. However, it may take a little longer for delivery to be completed depending on customs clearance in the destination country and quarantine status of infectious diseases.
Tracking your order
All packages have a specific tracking number. You will receive a notifying e-mail once your order has shipped. The e-mail will include a parcel tracking number. The status of your order can be reviewed by logging into "My Account".